Thursday, 9 October 2014

Top programming languages

What is the best programming language? A IEEE spectrum article on top list programming gave a good conclusion. Java seems to be the top and widely used. C/C++ has long history and become standard for low level application for embedded systems. Python is at the 4th for the web application. I personally like Python because it easy to maintain and fast coding!

top 10 progamming langauage Top 10 Programming Languages to Learn

I also did a diagram according to technology of some popular websites by simply extract the words in columns and put them in D3 wordcloud

“Front-end”, “Back-end”, Database, JavaScript, C, C++, Go, Java, Python, BigTable, JavaScript, Hack, PHP, C++, Java, Python, Erlang,  D, Xhp, MySQL, HBase, Flash, JavaScript, C, C++, Python, Java, MySQL, BigTable, JavaScript, JavaScript,  PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, ASP.NET, “Microsoft_SQL_Server”, JavaScript, ASP.NET, “Microsoft_SQL_Server”, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, MariaDB, JavaScript, Python, BigTable, JavaScript, ASP.NET, “Microsoft_SQL_Server”, JavaScript, C++, Java, Scala, Ruby, Rails, MySQL, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, Java, C++, Perl, JavaScript, Java, JavaScript, “Oracle_Database”, JavaScript, Java, JavaScript, Scala, JavaScript, C# , ASP.NET, MVC, “Microsoft_SQL_Server” 

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